Thursday, November 20, 2008

Comprehensive Planning - Get Involved

We’ve heard a lot about change recently and as we all know the world is constantly changing. For many years southern Bayfield County has been a resort area with families renting a cottage for a week’s vacation and we naturally built an economy around that sort of activity. Now many of those same families are purchasing homes for either weekend use or retirement and our local economy has changed accordingly. Change has come to the farming and timber industry in the area also.

All of this change puts different pressures on our community and its resources. To better understand and manage that change, Bayfield County recently began the process of completing a new comprehensive plan. This plan will serve as a roadmap for policy makers for the next decade and forward incorporating nine key elements ranging from economic development to land use.

The success of the plan, and our community, will depend upon the involvement of the public. All property owners in Bayfield County, not just residents, will receive a survey (look for yours soon if you haven’t already received it). Please take the time to complete and return it. Get involved in the monthly meetings over the course of the next year. Topics will include hot button issues such as trails, subdivision control and much more.

Let your voice be heard. Join your neighbors at an Open House to discuss Comprehensive Plan issues hosted by Bayfield County Tuesday, December 16, 2008 5:30-8:00 p.m. at the Northern Great Lakes Visitor Center.

More information and regular updates are available at: