Monday, December 1, 2008

Good Times in Cable

If you’re wondering what to do now that the 9-day Wisconsin holiday known as deer season is over, be sure to check out the Holiday Lighted Parade in downtown Cable this Saturday night, December 6th. For those of you that have yet to experience the parade, it is worth the trip. The route is mercifully brief, barely 2 blocks long and usually features between 15 and 20 original entries complete with lights, music, costume and good humor. Following the parade is a gathering at the Community Center for chili, cookies and pictures with Santa; donations benefiting the Forest Lodge Public Library.

This is Norman Rockwell stuff folks and one of the many great reasons to live and play in our part of the world. Whether you are here full-time, part-time or still hoping, it is the community spirit that makes our area so vibrant.

Although economic news that grips our country has had an impact on the local housing market, the quality of life we enjoy and a desire to reside in our neck of the woods has softened the blow. Declines in price have been minimal when compared to the rest of the nation. Community banks are making responsible loans and are largely unaffected by the sub-prime mortgage crisis making all the headlines. Mortgage rates are excellent and the federal government is offering a $7,500 Homebuyer Tax Credit so don’t be afraid to pursue your real estate dreams.

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